
Cittadel Health - Treviso

Treviso - 2011

Browse projects

Icona a lente

The reorganization of existing volumes into more modern structures enables more efficient services

The new Citadel adopts an organization in five macro areas, each with a specific distribution and functional destination:

Hospital Macro Area: entirely located in the southern area with a total of 990 beds.

The project involves the division into two sub-areas:

Hospital Macro Area - Continuous Cycle;

Hospital Macro Area  -  Day Cycle

Territorial Macro Area: intended for activities at a territorial level such as polyclinics and dialysis, located in the north-west area

Administrative Macro Area: with the Health Management located in Villa Carisi, on the left bank of the Sile (not the subject of the proposal), and the Administrative Management located in the area north of the Hospital Macro Area

Training Macro Area: located in the northern area of ​​the Citadel, the current "ex Vetrelco" area.

Technological and Logistics Macro Area: located near the ring road in the southern area of ​​the Healthcare Citadel, it will host the new technological systems center.

Additional information and dimensional data






2011 - 2011


Surface area 26,750 m2; 990 beds


Maltauro spa

Services performed


Amount referring to the starting year

€ 224.000.000