University building

Laboratory Careggi

Florence - 2010

Browse projects

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System that allows plant engineering and aggregation flexibility

The project for the university center of the Faculty of Medicine of Florence continues the path of experimentation aimed at verifying the scientific research programs that propose to renew the management of the building process, also exploiting technology transfer techniques from the industrial production sector to obtain maximum flexibility, speed and safety on site: objectives that will gain ever greater relevance and prominence due to the rapid transformations of biological sciences and laboratory technologies supporting medical research.

Created with the tender procedure, in which the dimensional and performance characteristics of the different types of spaces had already been predetermined and unified, the project uses the methodology of meta-design analysis to define a system of building components applicable to a complex intended for laboratories and classrooms for the teaching and research activities of the Faculty of Medicine: the aim is to design an integrated system that allows plant engineering and aggregation flexibility between the different levels of technological specialization of spaces.

Additional information and dimensional data




Edilizia universitaria


2009 - 2010


4.179 mq


Careggi University Hospital

Services performed

Project Management, Safety Coordination in Constuction Documentation phase