Maximize the well-being of patients and operators
The preliminary project for the renovation and expansion of the Del Ponte Hospital for the completion of the maternal and child department of the "Ospedale di Circolo - Fondazione Macchi" hospital in Varese was developed starting from the analysis of the current state of affairs and of the health objectives and needs expressed by the client, according to two orders of assessments, namely: the specificity and characterization linked to the type of user (children and women giving birth) and the complexity of the transformation process.
The humanization of the structure and wayfinding is one of the many areas to which particular design importance has been given. Many of the solutions arise from a "Research of significant national interest" financed by the Ministry of University and Research and coordinated by Prof. Romano Del Nord on "Design criteria for preventing stress in pediatric hospitals" (2005).
To maximize the well-being of patients and operators, innovative spatial processing strategies have been applied that relate to the psycho-sensory state of the user.
A further objective is to abandon the stereotyped characteristics of traditional healthcare facilities (high tech), to bring them closer to those of residential facilities (high touch), through the setting up of a structural model that is as elastic and flexible as possible, adaptable to any changes or changes in intended use, which may occur in the future.
Additional information and dimensional data
2008 - 2010
Surface area: 23,350 m2
179 beds
A.O. Circolo Hospital and Macchi Foundation of Varese
Committee for the Protection of Children in Hospital
Services performed
Pre-Design, Design Development Project