Health innovation expectations and technological systems
The project for the completion of the new Faculty of Medicine and Surgery headquarters consists of a broad program of renovations to create the University Campus of the University of Magna Græcia, where scientific research and healthcare activities would take place.
In the valley of the Corace river, an area of over 170 hectares surrounded by hills, defines the orography of the lot in which the new inter-university complex is located: the construction has already begun when CSPE received the task of the management of completing the clinical zones and to redefine the pre-clinical project intended for teaching, research, library services and administration.
In this circumstance, the objectives of the project proposal are closely related to the idea of a project-program in which the constraints of the pre-existing building, the phases of construction process, the construction rationality and of the necessary infrastructural integrations have been combined with the technical health innovation expectations and technological systems are factored as the client had explicitly requested.
In addition to the performance adaptation of the existing structure, the campus project includes three main building sectors belonging to and three distinct functional categories, namely: the Preclinical module, where the teaching and research functions take place, the headquarters of the Departments and the Presidency; the Clinical module, located in the center of the complex and dedicated to diagnosis and treatment activities, mainly aimed at patients in the ordinary, sub-intensive and intensive hospitalization areas; the Day Hospital module, reserved for diagnosis and treatment of outpatients and day-hospital patients.
Additional information and dimensional data
Ospedale universitario
2003 - 2010
sanitary 110,000 m2
university 40,000 m2
University of Magna Graecia of Catanzaro
Services performed
Pre-Design, Design Development Project, Final Design Phase, Safety Coordination in the Design and Constuction Documentation phase, Project Management
Amount referring to the starting year
€ 90.585.201,54
Ing. Matteo Gregorini
Ing. Carmine Mascolo
Ing. Biagio De Risi
Ing. Gioacchino Forzano