
Humanistic Center University of Sassari

Sassari - 2024

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The Humanities Center project is part of a broader territorial planning, which involves the city of Sassari at an urban level

The project for the University of Sassari involves four different buildings on which interventions of different caliber have been planned, aimed at recovering or bringing the teaching structures up to standard. The largest intervention is that on the former Institute for the Blind, where the University Language Center, the Humanities Library and management offices will be moved. In addition to structural rehabilitation and adaptation interventions, the construction of an external stairwell and an access portal on via Diaz is planned which, in addition to signaling the main entrance to the complex, solves the problem of the difference in height between inside and outside.

Another significant work is the one on the Pilotis Building whose ground floor on pilotais (piers) is closed for the creation of a conference room. In addition to the hall, the project also includes the insertion of a new stairwell and the creation of a closed aerial passage between this building and the adjacent Palazzo Ciancilla. The walkway will be made of glass, steel and expanded metal, the same language with which all the new interventions relating to the buildings of the entire sector were designed, so as to unify all these operations which involve different buildings. Finally, the project involves the redevelopment of the entire green area between the buildings subject to intervention and the insertion of a system of roofs and shelters that will allow you to move and use all the external environments, protected from atmospheric agents.

The Humanities Center project is part of a broader territorial planning, which involves the city of Sassari at an urban level. Therefore it is not a simple "renovation of a university faculty", but rather the redevelopment of a part of the urban fabric.

The theme of structures destined to remain in the historic center represent an interesting opportunity to combine institutional interests with the more general objective of redevelopment of urban areas characterized by critical conditions or socio-environmental degradation, as well as the recovery of historical-monumental assets.

 Inaugurazione Nuove Aule Didattiche Dipartimento Scienze Umanistiche e Sociali

Additional information and dimensional data






2016 - 2024


Surface area: 27,000 m2


University of Sassari

Services performed

Pre-Design, Design Development Project, Final Design Phase, Safety Coordination in the Design and Constuction Documentation phase, Project Management

Amount referring to the starting year

€ 13.254.457,32


Studio TECHNE’ S.r.l.